Convert CSV To HTML Online

How To generate an HTML File from a Comma Separated Values (CSV) text file?

  • Load CSV data, click the Open File button or By URL button to load the CSV file. After you have done so, your CSV data will be displayed in a data grid.
  • you can determine how the HTML data is generated by specifying columns in the data grid be included or excluded;
  • click the Generate HTML button to generate the HTML data, the generated HTML data will be displayed in the Output box.
Options You can use the following options to make the converted text in the format you desire.
  • Field Separator: Field separators will make the converted text easy to read or parse. You can specify how to separate the converted data fields. The default separator is a space. You can change it to any string of characters;
  • Trim XML Format White Space: Some XML files contain spaces and line breakers for the purpose of formating so that the document can be displayed in a more readable pattern by a text editor. When converted to text, these formating white spaces may not be wanted. You can use this option to trim the unwanted white spaces.
  • Add Linebreakers to Rows: If you specify to trim formating white spaces, all the data fields will be converted to one long line. You can use this option to add a line breaker to the end of each row of the XML elements.