2012-04-19 20:34:07
I have been looking for a tool which can generate javascript classes from an xml schema, xsd file. I have searched online and found there are quite number of tools that can generate C++, Java classes from xsd, but not anything that can do for javascript. I believe this should be doable and hope someone can give me a hint.
;3402;2012-04-19 20:34:07__s__I have been looking for a tool which can generate javascript classes from an xml schema, xsd file. I have searched online and found there are quite number of tools that can generate C++, Java classes from xsd, but not anything that can do for javascript. I believe this should be doable and hope someone can give me a hint.
__s__~u=John S.~site=NULL__s__Generating javascript classes from XSD schema__s____m__
17,CSS;100,General;15,javascript;16,javascript CSS;8,XML C/C++;10,XML converter;12,XML data warehouse;13,XML database;4,XML editor;1,XML general;11,XML HTML;7,XML java;6,XML javascript;5,XML parser;9,XML PHP;2,XML schema;3,XML syntax;14,XPath;