generate xml from xsd
how to generate xml from xsd
How to add new elements to an XML document in javascript?
I want to create a new element and insert it to an existing XML element. Here is my sample XML code: The existing element: __code__ <custorders> <order id="1001"/> </custorders> __code__ I want...
How to change xml attributes using Javascript?
I want to change the values of attributes in an xml document. I want to do it in javascript. here is an example of my xml file: __code__ <Objects> <User id="123" name="John Doe"> <Email Value="j...
How to delete/remove elements from XML with JavaScript
I to ask a question of how to delete an xml element/node using javascript. I can delete the attributes of the node, but opening and closing tag of node cannot be not deleted.
Dynamically create links from span tags in javascript
What I want to do is to convert all span tags with a class of "clickable" to links. For example, my span tags are something like this: __code__ <span id="123" class="clickable"> link label </span>...
How to change a CSS class of DIV or SPAN using JavaScript?
I have a span tag or object, like this: __code__ <span id="123" class="someClass"> text... </span> __code__ I want to assign a new class name to it, say, __code__ <span id="123" class="newClass">...