You can use the following javascript functions to set and retrieve cookies from the browser:__code__function setCookie(name,value,days) {...
This javascript function validates an email address. It returns true if an valid email address is passed otherwise returns false.__code__function isEmai...
I need a regular expression to match XML dateTime data type, preferably in javascript. The dateTime is in the following format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss ...
An undefined variable will usually cause unwanted exception in javascript if you try to reference it. You can detect a possible undefined variable in this way:__code__...
The following function returns true if a valid XML date value is passed:__code__function isDate(s){...
You can use this function to detect or validate an integer number in javascript__code__function isInt(s) { if (s != null &a...
17,CSS;15,javascript;16,javascript CSS;8,XML C/C++;10,XML converter;12,XML data warehouse;13,XML database;4,XML editor;1,XML general;11,XML HTML;7,XML java;6,XML javascript;5,XML parser;9,XML PHP;2,XML schema;3,XML syntax;14,XPath;